16/20 Raw Shrimp


16/20 Raw Shrimp are extra jumbo shrimp. They are 16-20 count per pound. Very useful in many recipes, especially barbecue!

Sold by the pound.


16/20 Shrimp
Howie’s IPA Shrimp

Howie’s IPA Shrimp

1. Mix all ingredients except shrimp in a bowl

2. Then, add shrimp & marinate for 1 hour

3. Next, put shrimp on skewers and cook on hot grill for 2-3 minutes per side.

4. Finally, serve with your favorite rice or as an appetizer


Shrimp is sold by size and the sizes are expressed in counts per pound. For example, 16/20 means 16 to 20 shrimp per pound. The larger sizes are expressed as U/10 or U/12 which means “under” 10 or 12. Small sizes like coldwater cooked and peeled shrimp will have counts ranging from 150/250 to 250/300. Just remember, the smaller the count, the larger the size of the shrimp.

Very often you see terms like jumbo shrimp, and many recipes call for small, medium, or large shrimp. However, there isn’t an official guideline on what these names signify so it’s best to pay attention to the shrimp count per pound.

Shrimp Size Count Average number of Shrimp  
  (per pound) (pound) (per 4 oz serving)  
Extra Colossal U/10   
Colossal U/12   
Colossal U/15  14   
Extra Jumbo 16/20  18   
Jumbo 21/25  23   
Extra Large 26/30  28   
Large 31/35  33   
Medium Large 36/40  38  10   
Medium 41/50  45  12   
Small 51/60  55  14   
Extra Small 61/70  65  16   

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