Smoked Peppered Salmon Collars and Wings



Smoked peppered salmon collars and wings are produced using the prime part of the salmon. Our smoking process, perfected over time, enhances the salmon’s natural flavor. Then, we lightly pepper our smoked salmon to complement its irresistible smokehouse flavors. They are fatty, smoky and absolutely delicious. Smoked peppered salmon collars are a perfect, affordable appetizer for your dinner party or happy hour! Made with the same recipe as our smoked salmon. Ready to eat out of the package!

Also, try our smoked salmon and smoked peppered salmon!

Sold by the pound.

Smoked Salmon

Fillets of salmon that have been flavored with the smoke from burning aromatic hardwoods. The smoke from the smoldering wood gives the salmon a distinctive smoky flavor and a fine texture.

For storage, keep the salmon refrigerated until ready to serve, storing it to be used within 4 to 6 days of opening. Just before serving, allow the salmon to be warmed to room temperature. Garnishes that can be considered include slices of lemon, capers, onions that are chopped into fine bits, fresh herbs such as dill, and fresh cracked pepper. It is often prepared with bagels and cream cheese. However, it can also be used for salads, scrambled egg dishes, sandwiches, or appetizers.